Thursday, March 22, 2007

Oh, Moon

Original Composition by Shiela Zaldivar

Oh moon, Oh moon, why dost thou shine?
Dost thou not care for this poor heart of mine?
Amidst the sea of stars, why dost thou beam?
My heart’s broken, Oh were it but a dream?!

Oh moon, why dost thou smile so sweet?
Smile not. With my grieving heart ‘tis not fit
For my love loves me but another
And so tonight my heart died forever.

Lovely moon, hear, oh hear me now
To forget him, my love, pray, teach me how.
Thou taught me once to dream, and dance, and kiss
Romantic moon, all these I’ll dearly miss!

Come, moon, ease away my sorrow
Let’s elope and be gone the ‘morrow
Then my poor heart shall be unknown to sore
And this pain shall be gone forevermore.

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