Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Original Composition of Rain Gamboa

It is so quiet. So still. So peaceful.
At night, when only I is thinking
Living, and waiting for beauty
To unfold itself while the
Whole world sleeps.

Only I who is awake
Can appreciate the silence.
Only I who is ready can
Hear the music of the night;
When even the smallest insect's
Voice seems to sing beautifully
In the darkness.

As dawn slowly comes,
I feel ready to sleep then.
Knowing that the usual noise
Of the world will soon come.
Life's ugliness and chaos
Start to disturb earth's beauty

I start to sleep. Close my eyes.
And later, when everybody
Starts to sleep, I will wake then
And welcome the
Silent Beauty of my world.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Garbage Man

Original Composition by Shiela Zaldivar

I am a garbage man
Myself's a garbage can
Hurry, hurry, my dear sire
Throw theyself into the fire!

A Lucid Dream

Original Composition by my brother, Dondon Zaldivar

Last night I woke up in my dream,
That's true though strange as it may seem,
I know that I was still asleep,
Yet there I was, up on my feet.
And in that dream I met a man,
Who I assumed would understand,
But he laughed when I said to him,
That both of us are is in my dream
Then all the others came to us,
To know what he was laughing at,
And when I told them what I said,
They also laughed and tapped my head.
Then someone called and asked of me,
To wake up so that they will see,
I knew I can and so I tried,
Until their laughter slowly died.
Then finally I did wake up,
And after that I heard them gasp.
I turned and grinned at everyone,
But then they were already gone.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I Fear You

Original Composition by Rain Gamboa

I fear you
Who pushes down the wall,
Of distrust and doubt,
Built by years of abandonment and lies.

I fear you
Who stands by and waits,
While I bid time to stay in my little haven,
Where I feel quiet and safe

I fear you
Who touches me ever so lightly,
While I cringes and pushes as mightily can,
Because I feel worried and afraid.

I fear you
Who seem to love spending time,
Days and more days and never fails,
When I simply see myself so tiring

I fear you
Who ceaselessly wakes up my heart,
That has hardened by years of pain and hurt,
To love and be loved back.


Original Composition by Rain Gamboa

Waiting – perpetually, fervently,
For our eyes
Where our souls peek and bare
The beats of our hearts,
To meet.

Waiting – continually, excitedly,
For the days
Which serve as walls that separate and
Block our arms to embrace,
To pass.

Waiting – endlessly, eagerly,
For our tongues
Which silence and mute the voice and
Language of love
To speak.

Waiting – ceaselessly, amorously,
For our bodies,
That are filled with passion
Heat and hunger to get touched
To entwine.

Waiting – forever.

Miserable Life

When tears fall,
The river flows,
The thorn grows.

Oh I hate the pain
Why oh why is it this great a pain
and hurts so much?

Oh, what a life, this miserable life.
No one cares.
No one will care.

Oh why is such so?
I don’t know
Don’t ask me why.

Blood on my heart,
don’t flow so fast
I hear you cry
I don’t know why.

Get on your feet!
Straighten you stand
Be a man! Fight!
You’ve got to fight!

Tears in my eyes,
go back!
Don’t want to cry
And you know why.

Because I’m not scared
And I’m not dumb
Don’t cry,
please don’t cry.

Smile on my lips,
don’t quiver
Got to face them
With a lovely smile

Smile! Don’t cry!
Even if its hard
Not to cry.

Oh, what a world.
I cannot do
What I want.

I’ve got to paste
a face on my face
Oh, what a world!
Oh, God, I want to die!

They Ate Me Alive

Original Composition by Rain Gamboa

Like hungry cannibals they ate me alive.
I wasn’t able to call for help
I wasn’t able to run
They tore me apart.

I saw my blood dripping slowly on their chins.
Their mouths full of my flesh.
I shouldn’t have died there!
If nobody had led me to that thick forest.
I wouldn’t be there!
I didn’t know how to go back
I shouldn’t have died there.
If only you were there to help.